Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Going to start videos again.

So it has been quite a while since I last uploaded a video (excluding the googleTV entry) so I'm now going to start uploading videos regularly now. They might not be well planned or anything but there will be videos at least once every 2 days. They may be vlogs, sketches, or whatever. Thanks for watching.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Isn't Daylight Savings Time Amazing?

I really love daylight savings time. You know it's all light when you get up at 7am of if you get up earlier you're not used to it being so light out at that time. Or when you get home at 5pm or later and it's already almost dark. I love that so much. As I'm writing this at 7:30pm it feels like it's already at least 10pm.

I see that advantage of having this when it was enacted during war, but they should have gotten rid of it when war was over. We have no need for it now do we?

Tell me what you think about daylight savings time will you?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Random Thoughts and Funny Conversations

Have you ever just had random thoughts that you were like "how did my mind come up with this out of nowhere"? I have a lot. That is actually how most of my videos come up. I will just be sitting there and BOOM!!! random thought that leads me to a video idea. Or just random conversations that you have no idea how they start but then you keep talking about it for a long time then it turns into something weird. Those happen a lot when I'm at lunch with my friends we just come up with the most random stuff and it leads to a non-stop conversation.
Like a few days ago we saw some people hula hooping and we started a thing about random stuff being manlier than that.
Example "Thats manlier than picking daisies with your mom on a lazy Sunday afternoon"
Weird right?

Thanks for reading.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Using this for more than just video updates

I know I've been lazy and haven't posted on here in what seems like months. I am going to start posting everyday to try and get this blog out there. These things might be comedy stuff, news stories that I found interesting, or just random thoughts or opinions. If you have been following this blog I thank you, you have made this not just a waste of time but good thing for me.

Friday, September 24, 2010

You're Throwing Darts Wrong!

Please take this time to learn how to throw darts properly here, this is truly something everyone should know how to do, yet so few people actually know how to do it properly. This has been a PSA from your favorite youtuber Stonekoldk.

Friday, September 17, 2010

New Video and Posting Again

Well I realized that I haven't posted in a LONG time so I'm going to start again, if anyone actually comes here. Well my new video is up makes fun of medicine commercials where the side effects are worse than what it actually cures.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Had to re-upload my video.

Well I had to re-upload my video because of quality issues just go to my channel to watch it.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sorry I haven't posted on here.

Sorry people who read this (if any)my internet has been down a while but i did get my new video up here's the link if you haven't seen it already well see ya next Friday, gonna have to work after school quite a bit to get the videos done.

Friday, August 27, 2010

My new "Equipment"

Todays video is about the new equipment I have. Watch it Here I had another video, made it then realized that it was terrible so I made this, I already have next weeks video planned, It should be funny.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Schedule For Videos Has Changed

The schedule for my videos is temporarily changed from Monday and Friday to just Friday, I might have videos on Mondays some weeks but they are not guaranteed.

Very Stuck On a New Idea

Well I'm supposed to make a video today but I can't think of an idea at all, I'll be trying really hard for the next few hours.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Cure Your Boredom!

The 30th Stonekoldk video is up "Cure Your Boredom" is up. I couldn't say the word inanimate and failed like 5 or 6 times before getting it right. I had a few interruptions during the filming but i got it done.

Friday, August 20, 2010

30th Video Going Up Today

My 30th video will be up in a little bit, it's about funny ways to cure your boredom. Wish me luck.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Clarification Of The Stonekoldk Username

I would like to tell all of you that my username Stonekoldk in no way is related to pro wrestling or Stone Cold Steve Austin I cannot stress that enough I want that to be known it was my own creation from parts of my life. That is the one thing i want all of my views to know.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Friday The 13th Video

I have my video idea for Friday, it'll probably be about Friday the 13th in some way. I hope you like it when it's up. Watch my other videos here ----->Videos<-----

How To Mondays 3 is up

My newest How To Mondays is up it'll teach you how to fold a dollar bill into a bow tie. Use it for formal wear, a creative tip, if for some reason your buying someone a suit or tux it's a perfect present. ------> WATCH IT HERE <------

Friday, August 6, 2010

Uploading Trouble

Today as with last friday i am having trouble uploading my video due to internet failure. Right now it looks like it'll be up in a bit over an hour. Hope you like it when it's up.

Filmed and edited a new video yesterday and today.

My new video is about the people who think the government is trying to use mind control on them. It's supposed to funny and serious but it's all up to what you think. It'll be up in a few hours hope you like it. It took a long time to edit.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Might get some creative videos

Going to my friends house today so we might have some weird videos for friday.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010

Daily Status Update 7/29/10

Well i was going to film my new video but of course things went wrong. First off i was setting up to film outside when a lawn care truck showed up and would make too much noise to film. Then a hour or two later when the lawn care people went away some kids went to the park and were making too much noise too.
My plan now is to film Friday morning when there won't be any kids around so i can film without complication. And because I don't have good editing software right now the intro I made a week ago wont be in the video again.

Monday, July 26, 2010

New series and Video

a new series for Monday will be How To Mondays and the first episode is How to Tip With Style is already up I will make a few more money folding ones then whatever how to stuff I come up with. On Fridays the video will be a skit or some other weird thing. If I have no How To stuff I will post another skit or weird stuff video.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

New video after computer crap out

well my new video that is a continuation of another video got put up 11 hours late and now i dont have my editing software so i'm mad about that now i have to find new software. i got the trial of adobe premiere elements 8 and i'm going to see how that is.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Extraordinarily Angry Business Man

just some info on that video i did not use a real computer just an old monitor and a broken mouse. i just couldn't the acting that good so i just growled.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Angry Business Man

a new video will be up on monday about an extraordinarily angry business man it should be interesting

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Stupid Death and Emo Laughs

That is the title of my new video going up on friday. You will meet a new character and see your loving Emo Vein. I had the most fun making this video out of all the others so far. When you watch it please comment, rate, and tell me anything i can do to make videos better.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Info about the Emo cast member video

well i used only stuff i had at my house to dress emo i used charcoal as the eye makeup and it looks just as good i wore an element hat that i flipped the rim down wore an apx truth hoodie and jeans. it was really uncomfortable for the summer. The name came from blueberry27 or bluebery27 on youtube because i can't come up with names myself.

Friday, July 9, 2010

new video

new will it survive video up about corelle plates

Saturday, July 3, 2010

4th of July Video Up

my 4th of July video is up i shows you how to remove the screamers off fireworks and use the as separate fireworks

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New videos

i have 2 more videos i'm gonna put up in intervals of 3 days that might be my new routine i'm not sure yet one of them is a tour of the stonekoldk studio and the other is an air horn i made in response to one of kipkay's videos

Sunday, June 27, 2010

New series maybe

Thinking about making a series of videos called "Will it survive" where we take something and take 3 different tools to it and see if it survives in any salvageable condition what do you think?

Saturday, June 26, 2010

New videos

posted 3 videos yesterday have 1 more to upload but have to edit it first i'll do that sunday and it'll be up then too we shoot an old cell phone with a bow and arrow

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

New Date for the video

the video that i said would be up within 2 weeks will be up sometime between the 22 and 25 so get ready for it

Sunday, June 13, 2010

4 new videos up

The first 3 are our mock up of the Blair Witch Project
the other one is a video of my friend doing stupid/random things

Friday, June 11, 2010

New Video Idea

Our new video idea is under production. Right now were on the script and it is about the old fighting games with the health bar and all that it's going to be very cheesy and funny should be up in around 2 weeks or less but we will have a new video before then to keep you entertained.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

New video after an 8 day break

it's been 8 day since i uploaded a video it may not seem like it but to me that is bad i want to have at least 1 video every 5 days if i can the new video i me "freaking out" about a small storm hope you like it click here

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

new video

newest video(s) are a news video project and bloopers from it

Sunday, May 23, 2010

New video 5/23/10

new video is up it is things to do when you're bored check it out

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Looking For Video Ideas

if you have an idea for a video you would like me to make please comment of message me on YouTube