Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Going to start videos again.

So it has been quite a while since I last uploaded a video (excluding the googleTV entry) so I'm now going to start uploading videos regularly now. They might not be well planned or anything but there will be videos at least once every 2 days. They may be vlogs, sketches, or whatever. Thanks for watching.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Isn't Daylight Savings Time Amazing?

I really love daylight savings time. You know it's all light when you get up at 7am of if you get up earlier you're not used to it being so light out at that time. Or when you get home at 5pm or later and it's already almost dark. I love that so much. As I'm writing this at 7:30pm it feels like it's already at least 10pm.

I see that advantage of having this when it was enacted during war, but they should have gotten rid of it when war was over. We have no need for it now do we?

Tell me what you think about daylight savings time will you?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Random Thoughts and Funny Conversations

Have you ever just had random thoughts that you were like "how did my mind come up with this out of nowhere"? I have a lot. That is actually how most of my videos come up. I will just be sitting there and BOOM!!! random thought that leads me to a video idea. Or just random conversations that you have no idea how they start but then you keep talking about it for a long time then it turns into something weird. Those happen a lot when I'm at lunch with my friends we just come up with the most random stuff and it leads to a non-stop conversation.
Like a few days ago we saw some people hula hooping and we started a thing about random stuff being manlier than that.
Example "Thats manlier than picking daisies with your mom on a lazy Sunday afternoon"
Weird right?

Thanks for reading.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Using this for more than just video updates

I know I've been lazy and haven't posted on here in what seems like months. I am going to start posting everyday to try and get this blog out there. These things might be comedy stuff, news stories that I found interesting, or just random thoughts or opinions. If you have been following this blog I thank you, you have made this not just a waste of time but good thing for me.

Friday, September 24, 2010

You're Throwing Darts Wrong!

Please take this time to learn how to throw darts properly here, this is truly something everyone should know how to do, yet so few people actually know how to do it properly. This has been a PSA from your favorite youtuber Stonekoldk.

Friday, September 17, 2010

New Video and Posting Again

Well I realized that I haven't posted in a LONG time so I'm going to start again, if anyone actually comes here. Well my new video is up makes fun of medicine commercials where the side effects are worse than what it actually cures.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Had to re-upload my video.

Well I had to re-upload my video because of quality issues just go to my channel to watch it.